In 2021, Biles introduced a groundbreaking vault: the Yurchenko double pike, now officially recognized as the “Biles II.” This vault is so difficult that no female gymnast had ever attempted it in competition before Biles debuted it.

Yurchenko double pike is named after Soviet gymnast Natalia Yurchenko, who introduced this type of vault in the 1980s. It starts with a roundoff onto the springboard, which sets the gymnast’s back facing the vault table. The gymnast then performs a back handspring onto the vaulting table itself, using it to push off into the air.

What makes Simone Biles’ version, the Yurchenko double pike, so extraordinary is the exit from the vaulting table.

After launching from the table, instead of executing a simpler tucked or layout form, Biles performs a pike—a body position where her legs are kept straight and drawn close to her chest. The pike position slows down rotational speed compared to a tucked position, making the timing and control even more critical.

From this pike position, Biles completes two full flips before attempting to land, adding a level of difficulty that few gymnasts even consider attempting.

Breaking Down the Yurchenko Double Pike

To explain why her vault is so challenging, let’s break it down into several technical factors:

1. Complex Entry

The Yurchenko vault family starts with a roundoff onto the springboard, immediately flipping the gymnast into a backward motion. The athlete then performs a back handspring onto the vaulting table.

This entry sequence, known as a Yurchenko, is a demanding skill in its own right. It requires precise timing and body control, as any misalignment can ruin the trajectory needed for the vault’s next phase. Even for elite gymnasts, mastering the Yurchenko entry involves years of practice and near-flawless technique.

2. Unprecedented Flip

Once Biles pushes off the vaulting table, she performs something very few female gymnasts dare to try—two flips in a pike position.

Where most gymnasts limit their vaults to single flips or, at most, 1.5 flips in a straight layout position, Biles elevates the difficulty by completing two full rotations.

The extra flip not only significantly raises the degree of difficulty, but it also increases the risk, as more rotations introduce more room for error in execution and landing.

3. Pike Position

During her flips, Biles maintains a pike position, which means her body is bent at the hips with her legs kept straight.

This position is far more challenging than a tucked position (where the body is compacted), as the pike position reduces rotational speed, making the gymnast work much harder to complete two full flips.

Biles’ ability to control this position throughout her rotations speaks to her exceptional core strength and body awareness, elements that are essential for her to safely and precisely land the vault.

4. Extreme Height and Power

Executing the double flip in pike position requires an enormous amount of height and power. Biles generates this height through her powerful run-up and explosive push-off from the vaulting table.

The height she achieves is crucial because it gives her enough time to complete both flips before she has to prepare for the landing.

Without sufficient power and vertical lift, the double flip would be impossible to execute within the tight timeframe from takeoff to landing.

5. Blind Landing

One of the most challenging aspects of Biles’ vault is the blind landing. During the two flips, Biles spends most of her time rotating through the air with no view of the ground.

As she finishes her second flip, she must spot the ground and align her body perfectly for landing. This requires not only incredible spatial awareness but also split-second timing. The margin for error in this landing is razor-thin, with even a slight miscalculation potentially resulting in a dangerous fall or injury.

Biles’ consistent ability to stick the landing is a testament to her unparalleled athleticism and control.

Why Biles Stands Alone

Simone Biles possesses an extraordinary blend of physical and mental abilities, which sets her apart and allows her to perform a vault as difficult as the Yurchenko double pike. Here’s why she stands alone in the gymnastics world:

1. Unmatched Strength and Power

Biles’ physical power is unrivaled. Her ability to generate explosive speed during her run-up and deliver an immense push off the vaulting table is key to her success.

The height she achieves allows her the time necessary to complete two flips in a pike position, something that requires a rare level of leg, core, and upper-body strength. Very few gymnasts possess the combination of raw strength and technique required to execute this kind of vault.

2. Precision and Body Control

Executing a Yurchenko double pike vault demands near-perfect technique and exceptional body control. From the moment she begins the roundoff to the split-second timing of her landing, Biles must maintain an impeccable awareness of her body’s position and trajectory.

Her ability to stay in the pike position, maintain speed through the flips, and control her body’s rotation is incredibly rare. Gymnasts often struggle to maintain that level of control, particularly in such a difficult position.

3. Fearlessness and Mental Strength

One of Biles’ defining traits is her fearlessness. The Yurchenko double pike is considered one of the most dangerous vaults in gymnastics because of its complexity and the heightened risk of injury.

Yet Biles approaches it with confidence and clarity. Her mental toughness allows her to manage the high levels of stress and pressure, particularly in competition, where she consistently performs under conditions that would unnerve even the most experienced athletes.

4. Unprecedented Athleticism

Biles’ level of athleticism is unprecedented. Her combination of speed, agility, strength, flexibility, and balance allows her to attempt and complete moves that are too risky or difficult for other gymnasts.

The ability to perform a skill that no one else in the world can replicate is a testament to her unique physical gifts.

5. Innovative Approach to Gymnastics

Biles has not only mastered existing gymnastics techniques but also pushed the boundaries of the sport by creating new, higher-difficulty moves.

The Yurchenko double pike vault was considered virtually impossible for female gymnasts, but Biles didn’t just attempt it—she perfected it. Her willingness to push beyond what has been done before shows her innovative mindset, setting her apart from her peers.

6. Commitment to Perfection

Biles’ work ethic and dedication to perfecting her craft are second to none. The precision and consistency with which she executes each element of her vault are a result of countless hours of practice.

Biles continuously refines her technique to perform at the highest level, making her the most dominant gymnast of her time. This relentless pursuit of perfection is a key part of what makes her so unique.

Record-Breaking Difficulty Value

Biles’ Yurchenko double pike is so difficult that it was given an unprecedented difficulty value when it was added to the code of points by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG).

The FIG assigns difficulty scores based on the complexity and risk involved in each element, and Biles’ vault earned a “6.6” value—the highest score ever for a vault by a female gymnast.

What’s more, Biles not only attempts this vault, but she consistently sticks it in competition, an astonishing feat given its difficulty. This takes her achievement to a whole new level.

Think about it:

  • Under Pressure: Competition adds a layer of stress and pressure that can affect even the most seasoned athletes. Biles manages to execute this incredibly difficult vault when it matters most.
  • Consistency: Sticking the landing consistently demonstrates incredible control and mastery over the skill. It’s not just luck; it’s a testament to her dedication and countless hours of practice.
  • Raising the Bar: By performing the Yurchenko double pike with such consistency, Biles sets a new standard for excellence in women’s gymnastics. She inspires others to push their limits and strive for greatness.

It’s this combination of difficulty, risk, and consistent execution that truly sets Simone Biles apart and makes her vault so extraordinary. She’s not just attempting the impossible; she’s making it look routine.

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